Thursday, 7 June 2012

Be thankful for the love.

Those of you that still have grandparents and depending upon your age, parents, draw them close and give them an extra special hug today. In fact, just give anyone a hug. Some days we need that love. Some days we should just simply remind ourselves of that love, because when its gone, its gone and you won't comprehend quite how much you needed it; how much of a big part of your life it had become. 

I lost all my grandparents when I was quite young, so I don't really know what it is like to grow up with that kind of extra special bond in my life. The one and only advantage of this early loss is that I have never had to go through the heart break. In fact, I've never lost anyone I was close too. Of course, the shadow of potential loss has passed over my existence from time to time, but has never come to settle during my adult life.

Today, that shadow passed over my husbands family. His grandma has been in for a hip replacement operation at the grand age of 83. The prospect worried her, I know this because she told me that she had  changed her will.

The fact that she told me this piece of information, was at the same time sad, and for me, significant. It was sad to know she had felt the need to change her will due to developments within her family, but significant because, the conveying of this information meant that she respects me.

So, considering the fact that I have no grandparents of my own, I have adopted my husbands grandparents as my own. If anything bad had happened or if anything happens during her recovery, I will be as distraught as my husband. Of course, the sad event will happen one day, but not yet I hope.

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